Thursday, July 4, 2013

Aspiring to be.....

Whenever we meet someone we don't agree with or don't like for any particular reason, we tend to objectify the other person. It is a default mechanism to look at others through our own eyes. I mean we are not given many choices physically. But we do have a choice to try and understand the other person from his/her own perspective. It sure is difficult specially when all our circumstances, conditions and life stories are so varied! We all perhaps don't ever ever see the same colors as any other , or hear the same tone and sounds. Have you ever seen the display of Televisions in shops or malls? They all show the same video but each has a distinct color and sound. And unless you see them all together you can't tell how the green leaf on one screen is so much different from the green displayed and received by the other TV! Similarly i feel that each of us are different..just like everyone else. How we hear, think, feel, perceive things, universe and life in general are all individual and unique experiences or simulations, whatever you believe in.
    I have been feeling for a while that i need to think outside my box (though very humbly i feel my box is quite large ;) ) to help myself understand others and me better. I tend to loose my temper very quickly and this habit has been increasing in the past few years. I have read many self help books, explored the net for such stuff and have gathered enough data, yet when it comes down to applying it, i feel at loss. I realized many many years ago that i mostly Re-act whenever i am agitated, and i need to Act and take control of the situation first hand by simply being in control of my actions and reactions. Knowing this hasn't made me execute it so far diligently. I try, i fail...i try again ..and i succeed sometimes and/or fail again. Thats how its been.
   A writer though gets to understand this act more than anyone. She creates angels and monsters, and feels and creates their thoughts and emotions personally. All her characters are a reflection of her own life's experiences in some way i believe. Just like the author of "Around the World in 80 days" had not set foot outside his home country, i feel sometimes i can write about a person living in new york based on the amount of movies and tv serials I have seen based on the city, while i have never ever been to NY (so far) . And if i want to understand some other person , that i like or dislike for whatever reasons, by writing about him/her, developing a character about them can be a rewarding experience i am sure.

So let me simulate this person for you all, and for me in particular. The names and blabla have been changed bla bla resemblance to anyone is only by chance bla bla bla...

So there lived this woman who....
.... not easy... not ready to share on a blog yet.

Sorry for your inconvenience.


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